Beth Vanichtheeranont
Candidate for County Board
Have you ever voted in a Primary and NOT requested a Democratic ballot?
How have you demonstrated your commitment to democratic principles in the past?
I have voted in just about every election I've been eligible to do so, but first got actively involved in politics in 2000 in Cook County where I lived at the time by attending rallies, donating, and doing some door knocking. In 2004 I went to Iowa during the presidential primary to do more door knocking during a very frigid January. Election season 2008 I was seriously pregnant then taking care of my then-newborn so wasn't very mobile. Two kids led me to mostly donate to Democratic candidates and causes after that and focus on PTA positions in their schools. Like a lot of people, after 2016 I decided I needed to do more and volunteered for a precinct committee seat. I ran for (and won) my own precinct committee seat the next election and started doing door knocking, petition circling, attending meetings, canvassing and lit dropping, even in those midterm elections (which proved so important in 2018 and will again this year!) In September of 2020 my wonderful representative for District 5 stepped down and I stepped up to fill his seat and was appointed by the party. Now I'm looking to win it.
Do you agree workers have the right to strike for basic workplace improvements?
Should all businesses; for-profit, non-for-profit, and government entities, be required to pay a living minimum wage of at least $15 per hour?
What is your stance on abortion?
Keep it legal bodily autonomy is paramount
Do you feel affirmative action is an effective way to ensure diversity and equity in the workplace?
Is it reasonable to pay a worker with a disability less?
Is Medicare For All the solution to rising health care costs?
Medicare for All is A solution, and probably the most realistic path to nationalized health care in this country. If nothing else this pandemic should have taught us that health care is not just a human right but necessary for a functioning economy, national security, public safety... it touches everything.