Cynthia Cunningham
Candidate for IL 104
Have you ever voted in a Primary and NOT requested a Democratic ballot?
Yes, I took a Republican ballot the year Bruce Rauner ran for governor as I knew, having met the man, that he would be trouble. I voted for a different Republican for governor. It didn't help, but I had to try what I could.
How have you demonstrated your commitment to democratic principles in the past?
Yes, I've collaborated with all of the other candidates running in the last two election cycles. I have been a statewide advocate for home and community based services for over 20 years. I am a 2020 Illinois Women’s Institute for Leadership Training Academy delegate.
Do you agree workers have the right to strike for basic workplace improvements?
Should all businesses; for-profit, non-for-profit, and government entities, be required to pay a living minimum wage of at least $15 per hour?
What is your stance on abortion?
It is a woman's right to choose what is appropriate for her own body.
Do you feel affirmative action is an effective way to ensure diversity and equity in the workplace?
Businesses work around it all the time in a variety of different ways. We've had it for a long time and still struggle with equity in the workplace.
Is it reasonable to pay a worker with a disability less?
Is Medicare For All the solution to rising health care costs?
It is one of the solutions for sure.