Have you ever voted in a Primary and NOT requested a Democratic ballot?
How have you demonstrated your commitment to democratic principles in the past?
As an African American Progressive Democrat with deep organizing roots in my community, I am committed to passing legislation that recognizes the needs of historically marginalized communities. My office currently hosts legislative panels that seek to engage with constituents of different backgrounds in the community to integrate them into the lawmaking process. As part of the Illinois House Democratic Caucus, we are the most diverse legislative caucus in the country. Our caucus is 100% united in protecting reproductive rights and maintaining the diversity that makes us stronger.
I will ensure that we pass legislation to increase access to education, healthcare, housing, social services, employment opportunities, healthy food options, and voting. I will support legislation that protects the rights of and invest in all people including low-income individuals, Black and Brown individuals, LGBTQ, transgender, and nonbinary individuals, people formerly incarcerated, people with disabilities, immigrants, migrants, labor workers, veterans, and other underrepresented populations. I will develop legislation and initiatives that further empower these groups and ensure that they are guaranteed the same human rights and dignity as everyone else.
Do you agree workers have the right to strike for basic workplace improvements?
Should all businesses; for-profit, non-for-profit, and government entities, be required to pay a living minimum wage of at least $15 per hour?
What is your stance on abortion?
I believe that the government should not interfere with the intimate decisions made between a woman and her physician regarding reproductive health care, including decisions made regarding pregnancies. Abortion is a widely sought medical procedure in the United States and other countries. Reproductive health care and abortion procedures should be accessible to women and be provided in the safest manner possible, regardless of the type of insurance or lack of insurance that a woman has.
Do you feel affirmative action is an effective way to ensure diversity and equity in the workplace?
I agree that affirmative action is one of the most effective tools in redressing the injustices caused by our nation’s historic discrimination against people of color and women. However, I am critical of the ways that affirmative action programs have displayed an overwhelming increase in the presence of white women in workplaces, not necessarily people of color. We need to ensure that affirmative action policies consider the intersections of both race and gender in the pursuit of all opportunities for success.
Is it reasonable to pay a worker with a disability less?
Is Medicare For All the solution to rising health care costs?