A Resolution Urging the Illinois Commerce Commission Extend our Illinois moratoria on Gas, Electricity & Water Shutoffs
Whereas safe housing is a crucial part of public health especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, and Whereas safe housing is a core component of both national and local racial justice efforts, and
Whereas access to water, electricity & gas are a prerequisite for Illinois households to endure the pandemic safely, and
Whereas California and New York have extended utility shutoff moratoria into 2021, and Whereas Ameren Missouri has resumed utility shutoffs at the beginning of August, and Whereas Ameren Illinois originally intended to resume utility shut-offs on August 11th, and Whereas Illinois American Water intends to resume water shutoffs in September, and Whereas the Illinois unemployment rate has been above 10% since May, and
Whereas the latest 7-day average of new daily cases in Illinois is 78% of the average’s peak from May 8th, and Whereas 20 counties have exceeded Phase 4 warning thresholds as of August 21st, and
Whereas Champaign County’s diverse population of working families has seen a steep rise in unemployment since March of 2020, and
Whereas Champaign County already had a growing housing issue before COVID-19, and
Whereas Champaign County has a large population of university students who have lost part-time jobs, work-study money, and other streams of income and have not received any sort of stimulus check, therefore
Be it resolved that the Champaign County Democratic Central Committee understand that the widespread financial struggles created by this pandemic will have lasting effects on our residents and most particularly Illinois’ low-income communities, and
Be it resolved that the Champaign County Democratic Central Committee stands with the hard-working people of Illinois, and
Be it finally resolved that the Champaign County Democratic Central Committee recommend that the Illinois Commerce Commission extend our Illinois moratoria on gas, electricity & water shutoffs until there are 2 consecutive months with a statewide unemployment rate of below 5%.
Champaign County Democratic Central Committee Chair, Carol Ammons